Problem with getKey
Problem with getKey
Subject: Problem with getKey
From: Per-Axel Eriksson <acustic@ALGONET.SE>
Date: Mon, 14 Oct 1996 18:28:05 +0100
In-Reply-To: <>
I have problem with a program I made.
The program works O.K on my calc. (TI-82)
and several others but on a friens calc. it looks like theres something
In a loop where the getKey is checked, it jumps out as if the enter key w=
(It checks for Key 105.)
Could there be something wrong with the keyboard?
We have cleared the memory and linked the program again but it doesnt hel=
(PS: He has ROM ver. 17.0 and I have 19.0. DS)
Per-Axel Eriksson,=C4lmhult,SWEDEN.