Re: ti pinball
In article <53388d$>, (Super) wrote:
>Even though the TI can't tell if you hold a key down, if you write a
>getky loop that checks for it, i think you could accomplish the same
>thing. I haven't done anything like this, but couldn't you do something
>so that when the getky value is equal to the flipper keys, then the
>flippers stay up until the value of getky is told otherwise. I'm not
>sure if that would work, but i think it should...
>I haven't writen any programs for zshell yet, cuz i don't know how!, but
>i don't think it can be that much different from the ti language, is it?
>talk to you all later
1) With ZS you can hold a key down, but it has a delay unless you use
specialized routines such as the ones I use for Spy Hunter beta 1.
2) ZS programming requires a thourough knowledge of Z80 assembly ( either
mnemonics or opcodes ), the TI-85's innards are greatly useful, and until
someone creates a programming environment or the ZINC program is finished,
this won't change.
3) My suggestion: if you want to learn to program for ZS, get a package and
learn assembly from books or the inet, then learn ZS stuff. My suggestion
would be to go to TICALC.ORG and get the Windows 3.1 Help file for ZShell 4.0,
it comes with all the information on programming for ZS and a 9-part assembly
tutorial. ;)
As soon as I finish Spy Hunter and the grayscale grapher ( I'm working on a
graphing program that graphs systems of inequalities using 8 shades of gray
using ZShell ) and figure out the algorithm for Bust-A-Move, I will think
about doing a pinball game.
Catch ya later,
Ryan Myers ( )
"Canthus" or "Darren" on DARKWORLD / Twisted Fate
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