Re: Factorising Quadratics


Re: Factorising Quadratics

You don't factor quadratics to solve them when you get to advanced math. =
You use the quadratic equation.  x=3D(-B =F1=FB(B=FD-4AC))/2A where Ax=FD+B=
It is easier to use the POLY function on your calculator.  If you want to=
edit the answers, just save the matrix and type "poly matrixname."

If you don't like that method, use the solver.

"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."

On Fri, 4 Oct 1996, Damian Smith wrote:

> I have seen a few Quadratic solvers around but none that show you how
> they are factorised and the steps?  Has anyone seen one?
> Mines a TI-85.
> Thanks
> -------------------------------------------------
> Damian Smith,
>         E-Mail:
