A small (just wait, it'll get bigger) TI-92 site!
A small (just wait, it'll get bigger) TI-92 site!
Subject: A small (just wait, it'll get bigger) TI-92 site!
From: Tim Gerla <timg@climax.polaristel.net>
Date: Wed, 9 Oct 1996 18:37:35 GMT
In-Reply-To: <>
There is a new TI-92 page on the web! It has a few good programs,
info, links, and when Fargo is released a I will focus on a
comprehensive Fargo program archive. That's the reason I don't have
too many TI-Basic programs on it right now. I'm saving my energy and
disk space for Fargo! Well, come and take a look at it, and please
give me any links you would like to see, and any suggestions!
Url: http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Park/1691/ti.html
Tim Gerla - timg@climax.polaristel.net / /\ \
/ /\ \ \
Tyball Dragon -==(UDIC)==- / / /\ \ \
/ / / \ \ \
www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Park/1691/ /_/____\ \ \
TI-92, HTML, Links, POV-Ray, Fractint! /_/________\_\/\