Re: **Need TI-82 Parallel Link Software**
Zenon Lynx <Zenon@BBS.NEXES.COM> Stated:
> Since most of us are not wealthy barbers, we cannot expect everyone with a
Say what? What is the price of a haircut in Canada? I have never seen a
wealthy barber and the analogy escapes me.
> TI-calc (if even one) to be able to afford the TI-85 or the TI-92. If this
> other out. After all, we joined this list for its ability (the members) to
> help us solve our own problems. Keeping this in perspective, it would be
> much more humane to create this software for being able to help others and
> at the same time enjoying creating it versus creating this software as work
I couldn't enjoy writing code that I have no use for. The original poster
actually stated that writing the code can't be too hard. This statement
a) untrue!
b) shows a distinct lack of appreciation and/or griatitude for the effort
c) if it's not too hard, why doesn't he do it?
Creating TI calc apps. and sharing them is one thing and doing custom
software projects for one individual is quite another. I will gladly
share any software I write for myself, if someone else can use it. To ask
someone to write a special piece of software, that they don't need or
want, to save that individual a few dollars, is unreasonable.
IOW: I take advantage of free software and contribute my share as well.
I do NOT request that others cater to me by writing code simply because I
don't want to pay for it. Someone that has a PC, TI-8X Calc, and can pay
for an Internet provider, can pay for the link, if they "need it
> and getting paid for it somehow. The TICalc Project has been set up to
It is my observation, that the special order types seldom even offer a
polite thank you for your time much less payment. BTW: I don't have the
inclination or time to do this even for pay, so don't try to tag me as a
Capitalist Sympathizer!. :-)
> benefit us all, and as an example we should also do this. In my opinion,
> the author of a parallel link TI-82 software would be generous and would
> create it purely for his/her enjoyment as well as others. Whoever can
This is the key word! Doing it for someone else's needs is another thing.
> produce such software, please consider what has been said. This way, we
> can all work as a community.
I have application programs for Student Grading, Electronics, Logic truth
table generation, base conversion (bin->dec and dec->bin with no limit on
the number of digits and handles decimal fractions), etc. and will gladly
share them on request. Expecting someone to devote a week or more of his
time to save someone else a few dollars is abusing the community spirit.
[IMHO] (Programs are for theTI-85)
> "Canada has no national identity other than our strongest policy:
> multiculturalism"
> -=Zenon=-
> ----------
> : From:
> : To: Zenon
> : Subject: Re: **Need TI-82 Parallel Link Software**
> : Date: October 2, 1996 12:39 PM
> :
> :
> : Matthew Tanney <mtbrain1@IX.NETCOM.COM> Stated:
> :
> : > I desperately need a TI-82 parallel link program that works. Anyone
> with
> : > programming knowledge, please help. It can't be too hard to alter the
> : > TI-82 serial software.
> :
> : It's not a 10-20 minute job by any means. Sometimes changing this to
> that
> : in IO programming can be a lengthy task. Assuming one does not have the
> : source code then reverse engineering is required and this can be either
> : illegal, unethical or both. [off the soapbox]
> :
> : Every Good Samaritan programmer type has tackled one of these requests at
> : one time or another and usually concludes that it is a hassle that
> usually
> : does not receive over-exuberant gratitude from the requester. You have
> to
> : ask yourself.......... would you overhaul my car engine for a favor? You
> : could easily solve your problem with a modest output of cash for the
> : hardware or software that will satisfy your needs. Internet does not
> mean
> : that everything is free.
> :
> : Remember that my official State Flower is the Flame-Me-Not.
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A Mountain Man in Cyber Land