Attempts to leave calc-ti
Attempts to leave calc-ti
Subject: Attempts to leave calc-ti
From: Mark R. Lindsey <>
Date: Wed, 2 Oct 1996 17:54:04 -0400
In-Reply-To: <>
: Actually, I don't have the information or I would give it to you. I will
: try to compensate for this by sending an impassioned plea to the other
: users of this mail list.
I have followed the instructions returned by the list server for
unsubscribing from this list, but, alas, they are in error, and
no obvious method has availed any solution. As such, I have
written the following mail-processing program, which can be
implemented by any user of a Unix system with a standard
sendmail configuration via a pipe in one's .forward:
#!/bin/sh -
cat >$tempfile
grep -i $list_address $tempfile > /dev/null 2>&1 &&
/usr/lib/sendmail $list_address < $tempfile ||
{ cat $tempfile ; echo } >> $mailspool
rm $tempfile
Seriously, though, the available instructions are incorrect.