Re: Grades Program
> I am attempting to write a program of the TI-85 that will keep track of
> I would like the program to allow the user to enter a description of the
> assignment. I don't know how to se up a "standard" process of Entering
> variables. For exampe:
> Input "Title: ", T
> Input "Points: ",P
> Input "Possible: ",PP
> Is there a way that I can have a program refer to that sub function of
> program whenever a new assignemnet is to be entered. My BIG problem, is
> it record the variables "T", "P", and "PP" so that each time a new
> is to be entered, the previous assignment values are not ovwerwritten.
> there a way to have it generate variable names automatically? Does this
> any sense? Please respond. Thanks.
> Michael Coccaro
You have a good idea, but the TI-85 is limited in some ways. For one, the
TI-85 cannot generate variable names. I take it that you would like to
have a counter and have a variable, take for example, the variable "T".
You have a counter and would like to have the variables "T1", "T2", T3",
etc. On the TI-92 this can be done, but not on the TI-85. One way is to
use lists or vectors on the TI-85 as you would an array on a computer.
This starts to become a problem, because a list on the TI-85 cannot hold
My suggestion for the description on classes would be to limit the
description to a certain length, let's say 20. Prompt the user for a
description using "InpSt", then use the "sub" to take only the first 20
characters. You can then add all of these description into one string,
knowing that you must seperate them into 20 character blocks to get the
individual descriptions. A simple FOR loop could be used to break the
master string into the desccription blocks. I use this method in a lot of
my calculus programs. Hope it helps.
-David Cantrell