Re: David Ellsworth and Fargo


Re: David Ellsworth and Fargo

> From:          JWardell <jwardell@AOL.COM
> Organization:  America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
> Subject:       David Ellsworth and Fargo
> To:            CALC-TI@LISTS.PPP.TI.COM

> I need help from those of use with contacts with David Ellsworth.
> Please tell when that last time you spoke with him was, and if you
> have any idea why he's dissappeared. Also, those of you who got a copy
> of fargo from him please email me asap, and tell me which version you
> have. Thanks.
>                          -Josh Wardell

If he gave away copies of fargo, I would like one too...
I believe I (and other) have been waiting for a pretty long time now,
and if there won't be any fargo, I will surely sell my '92!

so, anyone who have a beta version (or anything) of Fargo, upload
it, and then maybe someone else can make a perfect version!

                                                         // Anton,
