Re: 2.5 mm stereo jack
Re: 2.5 mm stereo jack
On Mon, 30 Sep 1996 16:04:08 -0700, you wrote:
>I am going to use a 2.5 stero cable instead of the TI cable. I was
>wondering if you could take an old pair of headphones and cut off the
>cable and use the cable that with an adapter that converts to 2.5mm.
>What kind of serial connector do you use?
>I got a D-Subminiature Connector(Solder-type, 9-Position female) and
>a D-Subminiature Connector hood. Would this type work or do I need a
>different one? Which one will work better?
I build (not a typo!<g>) the parallel port cable, and it worked very
well with a D-Sub Connector and hood. The connecter you describe
should work perfectly for the serial cable. For the calculator end,
you could cut a pair of headphones and use adapter, or, more
inexpensively, get a Mouser Electronics catalog ( and
order part number 172-2003 or 172-2004. They are 6 foot cables, with
bare wire on one end, and a 2.5mm plug on the other. They are shielded
and should look very nice assembled. Please e-mail me if you want any
more info! Good luck with your cable building!
Tim Gerla - / /\ \
/ /\ \ \
Tyball Dragon -==(UDIC)==- / / /\ \ \
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