HELP with ASM programming of TI-83
HELP with ASM programming of TI-83
Hello again!
Some days ago I asked a question about how to use the
link port and unfortunatly I didn't get abny answer :-(
I the nobody out there with some ASM experiance on the
TI-83 who can help me? Please!
The only question I have is:
On what address is _IO_EXEC located?
The rest below is a copy of my previous posting just to
explain my needs.
I am trying to use the link port of my TI-83 from assembler.
I have read the page,
but have problems understanding some parts. In the second part
it is said that a value is stored at ASM_IND_CALL. Is that the
different values of ASM_IND_VALUE like 11d, 19d, 20d and 22d?
After that you are suposed to call _IO_EXEC, but I can't find
the adress for that in
Where can I find it???
My understanding is that what I have to do is something like this
to send a byte:
_IO_EXEC equ ?????? ; Where to call????
LD A, 30h ; Load the value to send in Acc
LD B, 11d ; Indicate that Acc is to be sent
LD (ASM_IND_CALL), B ; Store
CALL _IO_EXEC ; Send it!
Is this correct understood?
If it is, can you please tell me the value of _IO_EXEC
or where I can find more info.
Best regards,