Synopsis-Calculator Based Biology
Synopsis-Calculator Based Biology
Several listmates have asked for a description of my manual, Calculator Based here goes....
Twenty of the investigations employ the use of Vernier Probeware interfaced
to Texas Instruments' TI-83 Graphics Calculators. These labs provide an
opportunity for students to use sensitive, powerful, but affordable data
gathering systems to enhance their laboratory experience.
Here is a synopsis of the probeware/graphing calculator labs.
1. Sucrose:Quantitative Analysis-Using a colorimeter, a standard curve of
sucrose concentration vs absorption is produced and then the concentration of
an unknown is determined.
2. Enzymes: Invertase Action-Using a colorimeter, students monitor the action
of the enzyme invertase, which hydrolyzes sucrose.
3. Invertase: Factors Which Affect Enzyme Action-Using a colorimeter, the
action of invertase is compared at different temperatures and pH. This is a
"self design" lab in which students use previously learned techniques to
design their own experiment.
4. Caloric Content of Food-Using a temperature probe, students measure the
amount of heat given off by burning food, thus determining the caloric
content of that food.
5. Measuring Osmotic Pressure-Using a gas pressure sensor (or barometer
probe), students measure the rate at which water diffuses into a dialysis
6. Osmotic Pressure-Effects of Temperature: Using a gas pressure sensor,
students examine the effects of temperature on osmosis. This is a "self
design" lab in which students use previously learned techniques to design
their own experiment.
7. Homeostasis: Temperature and pH regulation-Using a pH probe, students
measure the rate of carbonic acid formation when they exhale into water.
Using relative humidity probes, they measure the rate of sweating. Using a
temperature probe they measure the cooling effect of evaporation.
8. Digestive Enzymes-Using a colorimeter, students measure the rate of
digestion and subsequent diffusion of digestive end products.
9. Breathing: A Germinating Pea vs A Mealworm-Using a gas pressure sensor,
students measure and compare the breathing rates of germinating peas and
10. Breathing: The Effects of Temperature-using a gas pressure sensor,
students examine the effect of temperature change on breathing. This is a
"self design" lab in which students use previously learned techniques to
design their own experiment.
11. Sugar Preferences in Yeast-Using a gas pressure sensor, students
determine which sugars yeasts use most effectively for respiration.
12. Yeast Respiration-Using a gas pressure sensor, students examine the
effect of temperature on yeast respiration. This is a "self design" lab in
which students use previously learned techniques to design their own
13. The Human Circulatory System-Using a heart rate monitor, students measure
their heart rate in different positions and before and after exercise.
14. Photosynthesis in Isolated Chloroplasts-Using a colorimeter, students
measure the rate of photosynthesis in isolated chloroplasts incubated in
different conditions.
15. Absorption Spectrum of Pigments-Using a colorimeter, students measure the
relative absorption of several plant pigments at three different wavelengths.
16. Photosynthesis: Factors Which Affect The Reaction Rate-Using a
colorimeter, students examine the effects of light intensity and color on the
rate of photosynthesis. This is a "self design" lab in which students use
previously learned techniques to design their own experiment.
17. Transpiration-Using a gas pressure sensor, students measure the rate of
transpiration under different conditions.
18. Shivering Isn't Enough: Heat Conservation in Homeotherms-Using a
temperature probe, students measure the loss of body heat in "animals" with
and without insulation and with different body shapes.
19. Population Explosion-Using a colorimeter, students measure the growth
rate of a bacterial population.
20. Bacteria: Factors Which Affect Population Growth-Using a colorimeter,
students examine the effect of temperature on bacterial growth. This is a
"self design" lab in which students use previously learned techniques to
design their own experiment.
There are an additional 20 labs, which round out the student investigations
in biology including microscope labs, dissections, fast plants, genetics,
evolution, embryology and other topics.
The manual is useful for a full year biology course.
I hope these descriptions give you a sense of what my manual is all about.
If you are interested in ordering a copy of the manual, simply email your
address and your request to:
I will send you a manual and a bill for $30 + postage will be enclosed.
All the best.
Bob Goodman