Re: Why are TI Calcs so inferior?
All this talk about how Graphing Calculators are needed in math etc...
I'm a Junior taking Calculus, and our Calc teacher (college Professor)
doesn't like Graphing Calculators. Not only does he not require them,
he discourages them. I have a 92, and on my tests, I go through and to
the entire test without touching a calculator (except for stuff like
mult. and division.), but then I go back and check using a calculator.
Of course, some things can't be checked, like when we have to write
about the Theorems that we learn, etc, or prove things. In some cases,
I actually had to spend time learning how to do something on my
calculator, so it's not exactly always "Punch in and read"... But I
*LIKE* math...
A friend of mine gets straight 100%'s in school (he's probably one of
the most brilliant person to go through our school, ever). He's a
Senior in Highschool, and he's taking an Universtiy of Delaware 800
level math course. He hardly touches his calculator.
So, not all math students are calculator dependent. I must agree
though, that way way way too many students (even in my class) would be
totally lost without their claculators. (They have all the theorems
typed into the program editor, for one thing)
If that sounded arrogant or anything, just tell me... it wasn't meant
to be.