Hello. I have own a TI-92 and TI-82, and a Graph-Link. For some reason,
sometimes my Graph-Link conflicts with my mouse, and then the mouse is
disabled and file transferring is halted. I sometimes remove my COM 1
(mouse port), and then there are no conflicts at all. Then, I run
WLINK92, and I still get the mouse freezes. I cannot configure all three
of my active COMS because Windows will not let me in anyway change the
IRQ's so that none conflict when they are all in use. COM 3 (My
Graph-Link Port) is on IRQ 4 be default, and when it works without
freezing my mouse, it works absolutely fine. Can you help me make any
type of configuration changes so my link will work 100% instead of just
90%? Also, the WLINK82 software sometimes does the same thing. Can you
give me some suggestions to fix this with the easiest configuration
changes as possible?