Re: Why are TI Calcs so inferior?
Yeah, buying an HP would be inferior...tis' too bad for such dumb people
who would think that expensive is good...tsk tsk.
"This is the most logical route, Captain"
-= =-
: From: mwilson@AFIT.AF.MIL
: To: Zenon
: Subject: Re: Why are TI Calcs so inferior?
: Date: November 22, 1996 12:48 PM
: aAnt_(I)-Rus*!H~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ wrote:
: >
: > Has ANYONE mentioned yet that the #1 reason people buy a particular
: > calculator over another is "College course requirements"?
: > I attend a small community college in Tennessee and they REQUIRE the
: > use of TI-Related calculators. Now , you can bring an HP, Sharp or
: > whatever to class....But don't expect the instructor to take your book
: > home so he can answer YOUR questions...
: Goodness gracious! Heaven forbid you poor college boys have to actually
: learn how to use the at least $80 claculator you (or worse yet daddy)
: bought.
: So you buy an inferior product because its easier?
: What a wonder Windows is so popular
: >
: > 'I support the Death Penalty..' -- Rush Limbaugh
: > 'Abortion is wrong..' -- Rush Limbaugh
: > 'Abortion is wrong and I'm against it ...' -- George Bush
: > 'I would allow my daughter to have a D and C..' -- George Bush
: So, opposing abortion but supporting the death penalty is wrong;
: therefore, supporting abortion and opposing the death penalty is
: correct?
: --
: Mark Wilson
: "That is not dead which can eternal lie,
: And with strange eons even death may die."