Re: What calculator to buy


Re: What calculator to buy

In all the discussions about which calculator is better or best to buy, =
one point that I have not seen anyone make is the following:  basically =
the TI8x series and TI92 are not just calculators.  If you take them =
apart, you do not find a "calculator" chip; you find instead, a =
microprocessor chip.  In reality this means that these calculators are =
actually very capable computers that happen to be designed with =
dedicated software and keyboards that allows them to perform calculator =

With this in mind, I would almost always recommend the most capable =
computer.  This means for the TI8x series, I would opt for the TI85.  =
The reason is there is more user memory available and the screen =
resolution is better than the other TI8x series machines.  Any function =
not already programmed in ROM, can be programmed in TI Basic or =
assembler using Zshell. =20

Using the same capability criteria, if you have the money then go for =
the TI92 because it's screen resolution is better yet and also much more =
user memory is available.  Again, any function not already programmed in =
ROM, can be programmed in TI Basic or assembler using Fargo.  The =
additional capability to do symbolic math on the 92 has helped me =
tremendously since I am a comprehensive math and computer science major. =
 This has allowed me to check my answers when I work problems that do =
not have the answers in the back of the book.

For those who would disagree, let me point out that in the seventies (in =
case your wondering, I'm 45), I worked on Honeywell, IBM, and Hewlett =
Packard mainframe and minicomputers that were slower, had less memory, =
and had processors less capable than the Z80 that is in the TI8x series. =
 (They also cost many hundreds and even hundreds of thousands of dollars =
more.)  Also, my first home computer, a TRS-80, used the exact same Z80 =
microprocessor and only had 16 kilobytes of user memory and 16 kilobytes =
of ROM.

In a nutshell, get the TI85, or if you can afford it, get a TI92.  =
(Lucky me, I have both.)

From:   Dima feldman[]
Sent:   Thursday, November 21, 1996 4:05 AM
Subject:        What calculator to buy


I am Electrical Engenering student. I have seen that ti 83 have more
functions than ti 85. Can you please tell me advatages of ti 85 on ti 83

Thank you
