Re: Why are TI Calcs so inferior?
Has ANYONE mentioned yet that the #1 reason people buy a particular
calculator over another is "College course requirements"?
I attend a small community college in Tennessee and they REQUIRE the
use of TI-Related calculators. Now , you can bring an HP, Sharp or
whatever to class....But don't expect the instructor to take your book
home so he can answer YOUR questions...
'I support the Death Penalty..' -- Rush Limbaugh
'Abortion is wrong..' -- Rush Limbaugh
'Abortion is wrong and I'm against it ...' -- George Bush
'I would allow my daughter to have a D and C..' -- George Bush (for NON-SPAM/NON-commericial email ONLY!)
I tried to pull myself up by my bootstraps...dammit issac newton you bastard!