Re: How useful is Fargo?


Re: How useful is Fargo?

If I was stranded on a desert island with a cell phone I wouldn't be
wasting my time trying to surf the net with a calculator, I'd be calling
someone to tell them to get me the hell out of there. :)

On Mon, 18 Nov 1996 22:08:30 -0500 Michael Grodsky <buzcakes@BRIDGE.NET>
>Hey...if you are stranded on a desert isle and have no one to
>with, but happen to have a cell phone (the possibilities are endless)
>your spiffalicious ti-92 with the ever omnipotent and omniscient fargo i
>think you will understand the value of surfing the web/irc'ing/e-mailing
>from your calculator.
>                -- as told to you by a desert native
