Re: (85)Am I insane?


Re: (85)Am I insane?

Upon Mon, 18 Nov 1996 00:43:55 -0600, Craig & Brandee
<> You Said...:

>-0 C->K   . . . = -273.15 (???!!??!?!??!)

When in the hell is the temperature (Negative Zero) C ?

>Yeah no big deal but is the a bug?  Is this old news?

Been discussed for months and months

>It really does
>not affect my mathematical performance in Temp conversion but thought
>I'd share with the TI community.

'Preciate it
'I support the Death Penalty..'                 -- Rush Limbaugh
'Abortion is wrong..'                           -- Rush Limbaugh
'Abortion is wrong and I'm against it ...'      -- George Bush
'I would allow my daughter to have a D and C..' -- George Bush (for NON-SPAM/NON-commericial email ONLY!)
I tried to pull myself up by my bootstraps...dammit issac newton you bastard!
