Re: H E L P ~~Aligator clips for $4 link???? H E L P!!
(A#N#T#I#R#U#S#H#!"#$%&')*+,-/.12456XW=<>??fgh) wrote:
Don't bother...... just build your cable with a 2.5 mm socket. Plug
your cable right into it. Works just great.
>I do NOT want to ruin my ti-85 cable. I want to use aligator clips
>instead, but what size?
>Where can I get aligator clips that are really NARROW?
>Like the width of a paper clip, so they can fit around ALL THREE
>places at the end of the TI-85 Cable?
>A standard Clip is too WIDE...
>Where did you people find yours?
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Fountain Valley, CA