Re: TI-83 asm


Re: TI-83 asm

Well, after you get the foobar.obj file, you have to edit it, cut the
first nine characters, and the last two characters off every line. If you
havent already, get that into the edit buffer for the graph link software,
then stick a


at the end of all the byte codes... after all that, it _SHOULD_ work :)

 On Thu, 14 Nov 1996, Adam Kavan wrote:

> To those on the list:
>    I own a TI-83 and have written an Assembly program for it.  I was quite
> proud of it.  It was my first.  However when I compiled it the program
> didn't work.  The calc gave me a syntax error when I ran the program.  I do
> know how to use assembly on my calculated.  Confused I tried some of the
> sources on  when I compiled them the same thing happened.  I
> am using TASM on a Windows 95 box.  I have followed all of the instructions
> on the and the includes from  My questions are:
> 1) Have any of you had the same problem?
> 2) If so how did you fix it?
> 3) If not what assembler are you using and where did you find it?
> Thank you for your time.  Any help would be appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Adam Kavan
