Re: Did I buy the right one?
>I just bought a TI-83 a couple of days ago. So far, I have found a fair
>few uses for it in my grade 11 chemistry and accounting classes. I
>expect it to come in very handy next semester in math as well.
>However, I've noticed though that there are not too many programs,
>news-group articles, or web pages for/about it though. (I haven't had
>much luck using the home-built links with it either.) Is this just
>because it is still rather new and not may people have bought one yet?
>I am considering returning it and paying an extra $10 or $15 for the 85,
>because it seems to be real popular. What should I do?
I have a TI-83 and find it very useful for the math I am
taking(Pre-calc). You are right, there aren't many programs for it, yet. You
may not realize, but all TI-82 programs work with it. There are a few programs
out there specifically for the TI-83 and I expect to see many more programs in
the near future. The 83 is a fairly new calculator still and I think the use
it is growing. For my math, our school bought a ton of new 83's and I think
that is what most pre-calc courses are using. I've never used, or even seen an
85 but from what I have read on this newsgroup, the TI-83 has many nice
the 85 doesn't have, including a bunch of finance functions. Also if you are
having a problem with your links, explain them. The people in this group are
very helpful in debugging links and their is probably someone who has had a
similar problem. Hope this helps...