Re: Why are TI Calcs so inferior?


Re: Why are TI Calcs so inferior?

On Fri, 15 Nov 1996 00218244@YSUB.YSU.EDU wrote:

 In a way, he has a point whit this post.   I know a lot of people that would wo
 rship a faster ti calculator with more memory. It's not like ti cant make a fas
 ter calculator, they dont want to release another version of an established cal
 c.  The point of this mail was that ti, at any time, could somehow upgrade a ca
 lculator to be faster and have more memory.  For example, Why does it have to b
 e a 486? it could be a chip that runs like a 286. By now some company had to ma
 ke a chip which is faster that the ti chip and uses the same amount, or less po
 wer than the current ti processor.  As for storage ram. Ram today is inexpensiv
 e. A megabyte of ram is probably around 12 to 20 dollars. or they could have ta
 ken a ramcard approach. Put ram on cards which you can buy and stick in your ti
 calc.  Then when it is full you could take it out and put another one in the sl
 ot.  But you dont see any of these thing on a ti calc because 1) they dont want
 to change the established calcs and 2) It would raise a calcs price.  Sure! ti
 could do this, but why release all these different versions of a calculator wh
 en the current setup is perfect for doing what is was designed for; Math.


One more comment to add here:  by changing the established calcs, they
could seriously lose the educational market for which these calculators
were truly aimed.  I, as an educator, am happy that the TI-82 and 85 are
still quite useful after their years on the market.  Most PC technology is
upgraded and out of date nine months after they are introduced.  Why does
anyone think that the Volkswagon Beetle had such success?  Because it
really didn't change much since it was first created, and there are still
tons of them around.

Now that we've had our fun with Goatboy, can we ease up on the
flamethrowers?  It's swallowing up too much of my mailbox memory.

        -- J. Big Dog

|                |                                                    |
|    ---------   |  John M.H. Miyares (aka "Johnny Big Dog")          |
|        |       |  Home:  1 Kavanaugh Pl. Bar Harbor, ME  04609      |
|        |       |  Work:  Department of Mathematics, MDI High School |
|    ----+----   |  P.O. Box 180, Mount Desert, ME  04660             |
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