Re: Why are TI Calcs so inferior?
On Fri, 15 Nov 1996 16:26:32 -0500 Nicholas P Konidaris Ii
<npk+@ANDREW.CMU.EDU> writes:
>And finally, if you are in high school, you don't really need anything
>in the TI9x or TI8x range. I believe that most high schools do a very
>poor job of training people rigerously today. Qualitative approaches
>are good, but it all should be done with good old paper and pencil, and
>when you've truly mastered it, you can go on.
Up to this point I agree with you. Some HS students do need an 9x or an
8x. I have an 85, and could not imagine taking a Calculus class without
it. My teacher even required us to buy a graphic calculator (although
she suggested an 83).
Jim Reardon
Viva el mexico
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