Re: 82 vs 85
I really like my '85, got me throught the last 3 years of my Computer
Science Degree. I had a Casio low end graphing calc, which my girlfriend
at the time took an extreme liking to. After I knew I was not gonna get
it back I bought the '85
I felt it was a frivious waste of cahs at the time, but I am a dedicated
Techo-phile (I a dedicated Omnivour, but this the group for that, maybe
the BEEF channel...)
Well I thanked my self later for it. The Hex, Oct, and Bin fucntions and
operations got me through Assembly and Digital Electronics, The Calc and
amth functions where great for calc hw, tests ,a nd labs (along with the
great graphing abillities). The vector and matrix math got me through the
Math I needed to do for COmputer graphics, I was not so fast at..!
I have been trying out the ti92's . I have some observations.
1) it;s really big....
2) its got the CPU from am Early MAC / Amiga.
3) It;s got derive built in.
thus, it;s not a calculator, it;s a palmtop class portible computer.
This is why alot of folks are finding it bared from tests. You can get
away with the 8x series, it only has a CPU from a TRS-80 or Apple. and
it calculator sized.....
sorry much
Charles Slaustas - Comp Sci