Re: slash


Re: slash

> on a lot of programs, I see a slash. I can get one slash on my ti-85 but
> can't get it to go the other way. HELP!!!!!!
> Mail me at

If you are entering a program manually, you may ignore the
following lines:


This is header information (used when transfering the file by link).
The other "\" characters are a convention for representing certain
calculator keys and symbols.  Here is a list for the TI-85:

  KEYWORD (key)                      STRING (with delimiters)
  ->   store                              \->\
  pi                                      \pi\
  <  angle for complex numbers            \angle\
  >= greater than or = to                 \>=\
  <= less than or = to                    \<=\
  not equal to                            \<>\
  not equal to                            \<>\
  square root                             \sqrt\
  10^                                     \10^\  (for 10 only)
  (-) negation                            \(-)\
  x Root y                                \xRooty\
  matrix transpose                        \T\
  squared                                 \^2\
  inverse                                 \^-1\
  r   radian                              \rad\
  r   radian                              \rad\
  o   degree                              \deg\
  sinh^-1                                 \sinh^-1\
  sin^-1                                  \sin^-1\
  cosh^-1                                 \cosh^-1\
  cos^-1                                  \cos^-1\
  tanh^-1                                 \tanh^-1\
  tan^-1                                  \tan^-1\
  binary designator (b)                   \bin\
  decimal designator (d)                  \dec\
  decimal designator (d)                  \dec\
  hex designator (h)                      \hex\
  octal designator (o)                    \oct\
  hexadecimal A                           \hexA\
  hexadecimal B                           \hexB\
  hexadecimal C                           \hexC\
  hexadecimal D                           \hexD\
  hexadecimal E                           \hexE\
  hexadecimal F                           \hexF\
  hexadecimal F                           \hexF\
  to Sph display conversion               \>Sph\
  to Rec display conversion               \>Rec\
  to Pol display conversion               \>Pol\
  to Oct display conversion               \>Oct\
  to Hex display conversion               \>Hex\
  to Frac display conversion              \>Frac\
  to DMS display conversion               \>DMS\
  to Dec display conversion               \>Dec\
  to Cyl display conversion               \>Cyl\
  to Cyl display conversion               \>Cyl\
  to Bin display conversion               \>Bin\
  vc-li  data conversion                  \vc>li\
  St-Eq  data conversion                  \St>Eq\
  li-vc data conversion                   \li>vc\
  Eq-St data conversion                   \Eq>St\
  E  exponent notation                    \E\
  u0  built-in constant                   \u0\
  e0  built-in constant                   \e0\
  e0  built-in constant                   \e0\
  zthetamax                               \z-@max\
  zthetamin                               \z-@min\
  zthetastep                              \z-@step\
  delta x  (lowercase)                    \Delta-x\
  delta y  (lowercase)                    \Delta-y\
  thetamax                                \@max\
  thetamin                                \@min\
  thetastep                               \@step\
  Sigma x                                 \Sigma-x\
  Sigma x                                 \Sigma-x\
  Sigma x^2                               \Sigma-x^2\
  Sigma xy                                \Sigma-xy\
  Sigma y                                 \Sigma-y\
  Sigma y^2                               \Sigma-y^2\
  standard deviation (pop) x              \Sx\
  standard deviation (pop) y              \Sy\
  x bar (mean)                            \x-bar\
  y bar (mean)                            \y-bar\
  y bar (mean)                            \y-bar\

Greek Characters:
  alpha (lowercase)                       \LC-alpha\
  beta (lowercase)                        \LC-beta\
  gamma (lowercase)                       \LC-gamma\
  Delta (uppercase)                       \UC-Delta\
  delta (lowercase)                       \LC-delta\
  epsilon (lowercase)                     \LC-epsilon\
  theta (lowercase)                       \LC-theta\
  theta (lowercase)                       \LC-theta\
  lambda (lowercase)                      \LC-lambda\
  mu (lowercase)                          \LC-mu\
  rho (lowercase)                         \LC-rho\
  Sigma (uppercase)                       \UC-Sigma\
  sigma (lowercase)                       \LC-sigma\
  tau (lowercase)                         \LC-tau\
  phi (lowercase)                         \LC-phi\
  Omega (uppercase)                       \UC-Omega\
  Omega (uppercase)                       \UC-Omega\

INTL Characters:
  N tilde                                 \UC-N~\
  n tilde                                 \LC-n~\
  C cedilla                               \UC-C-cedilla\
  c cedilla                               \LC-c-cedilla\
  ? inverted                              \?\
  A acute                                 \UC-A'\
  a acute                                 \LC-a'\
  a acute                                 \LC-a'\
  A grave                                 \UC-A`\
  a grave                                 \LC-a`\
  A circumflex                            \UC-A^\
  a circumflex                            \LC-a^\
  A dieresis                              \UC-A:\
  a dieresis                              \LC-a:\
  ( etc for e, i, o, u )

CONV characters (for example, ft^2 to m^2 would be \ft^2\\>\\m^2\

  >   conversion operator                 \>\
  lt-yr  light year                       \lt-yr\
  ft^2                                    \ft^2\
  m^2                                     \m^2\
  mi^2                                    \mi^2\
  km^2                                    \km^2\
  in^2                                    \in^2\
  cm^2                                    \cm^2\
  cm^2                                    \cm^2\
  yd^2                                    \yd^2\
  cm^3                                    \cm^3\
  in^3                                    \in^3\
  ft^3                                    \ft^3\
  m^3                                     \m^3\
  us  (micro seconds)                     \usec\
  oC   degree C                           \deg C\
  oF   degree F                           \deg F\
  oF   degree F                           \deg F\
  oK   degree K                           \deg K\
  oR   degree R                           \deg R\
  N/m^2                                   \N/m^2\
  lb/in^2                                 \lb/in^2\
  mmH2O                                   \mmH2O\
  inH2O                                   \inH2O\
  ftlb/s                                  \ftlb/s\
  cal/s                                   \cal/s\
  Btu/mn                                  \Btu/mn\
  Btu/mn                                  \Btu/mn\
  ft/s                                    \ft/s\
  m/s                                     \m/s\
  mi/hr                                   \mi/hr\
  km/hr                                   \km/hr\
  kw-hr                                   \kw-hr\
  l-atm                                   \l-atm\

  continue TI-85 program line             \#\
