Re: NEED A TI85-Link From Texas Inst(H~E~L~P)
The Graph-Link I bought from TI was $60 and it took them about 2 months for
them to deliver (pathetic).
| From: !!~~A~N~T~I~R~U~S~H~!! <****antirush@CRIS.COM********>
| Subject: NEED A TI85-Link From Texas Inst(H~E~L~P)
| Date: Monday, November 11, 1996 8:11 PM
| How Much Is TI85-Link From Texas Inst?????
| Where can I get one?
| What's the PRICE RANGE ($$???)
| Do they ship them out FAST?
| Fast to me is 4 days or less...
| Please list sources (phone #'s etc...)
| Email preffered....
| SPAMMERS REMOVE THE '***'s from The E-Mail Address to Reply
| I pay taxes and I have a Job to pay for the road you drive on !!
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