Re: TI-92 + Fargo = Audio Wierdness!
Re: TI-92 + Fargo = Audio Wierdness!
On Mon, 11 Nov 1996, Tim Gerla wrote:
> I was trying to make a speaker click through Fargo with a small 68k
> prog, but I was not getting anything. I figured the speaker I was
> using was too small, and the TI's output was too low. So, I hooked the
> Also, when I did not have the plug plugged into the calculator, the
> boom box made noises that sounded like a telephone pickup coil placed
> on a transformer or something like that. The humming changed volume
> when I changed the position on the calculator, it was loudest by the
> screen. OK, does this mean that the TI-92 is outputting extremely high
> EMF? If I can pick it up with just a 2.5mm jack, what would it sound
> like with a coil? I cannot hear anything from just the jack with the
> TI turned off! Any ideas?
> So, I hope we all don't get cancer from our calculators!
Try tuning to a spot on an FM radio where there's no station. Then grab
your 85 (I know the 85 does it, dunno bout the 92) and hold it close
(~4ft) to the antenna. You can hear the processor idling, and
calculating, and doing screen updates. I kinda wondered about cancer
m'self.... I wonder how much EMF it's kickin out. I'll have to check that
out tomorrow.. Anyway, you can hear an 85... try a 92. Could this be our
elusive radio link? :) [doubt it]
Chris Kuethe <> LPGV Electronics and Controls
RSA in 3 lines of PERL:
#!/bin/perl -sp0777i<X+d*lMLa^*lN%0]dsXx++lMlN/dsM0<j]dsj
$/=unpack('H*',$_);$_=`echo 16dio\U$k"SK$/SM$n\EsN0p[lN*1