Help in programing!!!


Help in programing!!!

        AHAHAH help!!!  I know about this program for years, but did not
worry about it because is was uslly already coded in the
compilers(c,c++,pascal)...The "DrawLin" statement.....:(
I am not a mathatition, but I can see how there is so many papers done on
the subject on drawing there a faster way to do it then
finding the slope usint x=my+b?  I mean, times and div functons in ASM
just eats proccessing speed:(  I am just a novice asembley programer,
this means I can get by if I have a book, but I can't find ANYTHING about
drawing lines in ASM, plentey in C and C++, but ASM?

OK the question: could some one tell me where some example programs are
or if some one could send me an algorightm to work with?

-Paul Bruner