>> 1.) What system routine can I use to store high scores with the name=20
>> the player beside it. How could I limit the amount of=20
>> that=20
>> a high scorer can enter for his or her name?=20
>I think how you would do this is create a .db at the end of the program=20
>and have it like: .db "000",0 this would create an empty place to=20
>the scores. You could control the number of characters that a player=20
>could input by just making you input routine so that they could only=20
>input 3 or however many characters. Figure out the adress of that=20
>(easy with TASM) and them just put te names and scores there.=20
This doesn=92t work on the 83. =20
The 83 stores every byte of the asm programs as two digits. When the =20
program starts the 83 converts this two bytes expressions to one byte =20
hexs to another place in the memory (9327h). When the program =20
finishes the 83 clears out the memory used.=20
If you change anything in your program you just change in the=20
version and not in the stored program.=20
If you want to save something on the 83 I recommend that you use one=20
of the ordinary variables: lists, matrices, reals, pics or strings.=20
The system routines to store data to the variables are described by TI.=20
You use _CHKFINDSYM to get a pointer to the variable, _SETXXOP1=20
to store your data in OP1 (or _SETXXXXOP2 and _OP2TOOP1 if you=20
want to store a word) and use for example _PUTTOL (lists) or =20
_PUTTOMAT (matrices) to store OP1 to the variable.=20
To store something in reals you use _PUSHREALO1 and _STOOTHER.=20
/Per Rylander=20
Watch out for TETRIS-asm for the TI-83, coming soon.=20