> 1.) What system routine can I use to store high scores with the name of
> the player beside it. How could I limit the amount of characters
> that
> a high scorer can enter for his or her name?
I think how you would do this is create a .db at the end of the program
and have it like: .db "000",0 this would create an empty place to store
the scores. You could control the number of characters that a player
could input by just making you input routine so that they could only
input 3 or however many characters. Figure out the adress of that space
(easy with TASM) and them just put te names and scores there.
> 2.) In most games written in TI-Basic, lists and matrices play a major
> role in the games. How can I get around this in making an ASM
> equivalent of a TI-Basic game for the TI-83?
TI supplied a few system routines that deal with lists and matrices,
other than that you could use memory like above.
Note that the above is just my thoughts after looking at some zshell
source so I can't guarantee its accuracy. Hopefully someone else can
supply a better answer.