TI-85 & Ans.
TI-85 & Ans.
Subject: TI-85 & Ans.
From: Russell W. Patterson <rwp1@RA.MSSTATE.EDU>
Date: Sat, 9 Nov 1996 17:05:20 GMT
In-Reply-To: <>
I was wondering...why dont the prefix operators (my made up name for
operations that display their symbol before the number) automatically
put Ans as their argument like suffix operations?
what I'm lamely trying to say is:
Ans^2 or Ans* etc...
can all be achieved by just hitting the X^2 or * keys.
To take the square root of a number you have to hit 2nd then
square root symbol and then hit shift ans.
The "suffix" operations automatically take Ans as their argument and the
prefix operations don't.
Russell W. Patterson
System Protection & Analysis
Tennessee Valley Authority
work e-mail: rpatt@tva.gov
Mississippi State University
Graduate School of Electrical Engineering
school e-mail: rwp1@ra.msstate.edu
Home (Whitwell, TN)
home e-mail: rpatt@chattanooga.net