Re: Release of Fargo


Re: Release of Fargo

"Mark P. Wilson" <> wrote:

> wrote:
>> <<Hmmmm.  Josh, it seems that you have been the only one keeping us
>> updated
>> on Fargo.  Thank you!  It seems that you have suggested that all David
>> needs is a little encouragement.

>Why is FARGO a single point (of failure) project??  If beta copies are
>floating around, then why doesn't anybody "float" them to the other
>people in this group who do ASM?  This Dave guy may be a talented
>programmer, but he doesn't seem terribly interested in fifnishing it.
>Give all the other folks here who want to bang it out a chance!!  A lot
>of folks here just want to know the back door to get started.  If Dave
>doesn't care about getting it done, then he shouldn't care about other
>folks working on it. Make the information available to all, so somebody
>can get the damn thing done.

I agree with Mark entirely.  I think we have waited patiently long
enough.  It's time to start distrubuting whatever any of us have on
Fargo, whether David wants us to or not.  I realize that he's not
getting paid for this, he's doing it on his own will, etc.  But he
obviously doesn't respect us anymore, what with not answering mail and
never telling us what's going on.  I encourage those who have betas of
Fargo to post it.  You would be loved by all.  You might even become
rich.  I would gladly send $10 for a working copy of Fargo.  My two
Mike Harder
