Re: Release of Fargo
Question: How would you like it if 500 people called your house asking
about calculator programs when you don't get paid for it?
| From: Paul M. Bruner <z_brunerpm@TITAN.SFASU.EDU>
| Subject: Re: Release of Fargo
| Date: Thursday, November 07, 1996 11:59 PM
| heck better yet call him!! I mean it can't be that expenive to call for
| a few minites?
| If you won't give me the number, or better yet give eveyone the number!
| hehe:)
| -Paul Bruner
| On Thu, 7 Nov 1996, Andrew I Brenner wrote:
| > Try to get some one that lives near him to call, local phone call
| > ---------------------------------------------------------
| > Andrew Brenner
| >
| > (attachment mail)
| >
| >
| > On Wed, 6 Nov 1996 06:50:52 GMT jwardell@AOL.COM writes:
| > ><<Hmmmm. Josh, it seems that you have been the only one keeping us
| > >updated
| > >on Fargo. Thank you! It seems that you have suggested that all David
| > >needs is a little encouragement. Since, as you say, he doesn't read
| > >his
| > >e-mail, how can we encourage him? If, as you say, there is about 1
| > >day of
| > >work left on Fargo, how can we help him? Do we all need to start
| > >filling
| > >his e-mail box? I doubt it if he would like that... What can we do?
| > >>>
| > >
| > > That's the whole problem: I wish I knew. I don't know any way of
| > >successfully getting in touch with him without making a phone call
| > >across
| > >the country. Don't fill his mail box (a source says he doesn't even
| > >use
| > >his account BTW), it can only slow things down.
| > >
| > > -Josh Wardell
| > >
| > >
| >