Re: Possible way to do assembly on TI-82!
While I was playing around with a backup file, I found something that
might be useful:
-Reset the calculator(optional, only for clarity in the file)
-Type some charachters(or number...), more than 100 so that there will
be an overflow, *without* pressing enter. This is for filling the
command line memory.
-Make the backup
-With an Hex editor, search for the charachtrs that you typed, they must
be at the end of the second part of the backup.
-Before this charachters there must be 2 bytes that discribes the size
of data. Try changing these numbers. Try using numbers greater and
smaler that the original one.
-By values smaller try pressing Y= or window(witchou pressing enter), or
try to switch off the calculator and then on.
I don't know if this is useful, have someone some ideas?
Sami Khawam