Help with STAT Functions on 92
Help with STAT Functions on 92
Subject: Help with STAT Functions on 92
From: Craig Spencer <ab158@ACORN.NET>
Date: Thu, 7 Nov 1996 20:15:48 EST
In-Reply-To: <>
I've been help my friend learn to use his new 92. We've been working with
statistic functions. For some reason whenever we use "stdDev(" or
"variance(", they don't give accurate values. There always a little bit
more that the actual value. Is there a "tolerance" setting or something like
that, that could fixed this problem? Also, is it possible for the 92 to do
mean deviation or calculate range easily? If not, are there any programs out
there that do?
| Name: Craig Spencer |
| E-Mail: |
| OS: Windows 95 / NetWare 4.1 |
| Langs: Visual C++ Turbo / BASIC |