Re: TI-92
It ain't out yet, probably another half month or so and you need at least
the NM29A080V chip from National Semiconductor and it costs about $30 if
you can find a supplier. Here's his homepage, and he says that if anyone
finds a supplier for the chip he will sell it to them at a $15 discount
(from about $45 - $60). Visit
"This is the most logical route, Captain"
-= =-
: From:
: To: Zenon
: Subject: Re: TI-92
: Date: November 3, 1996 4:10 PM
: Could you tell me all that you know about these RAM extender for the
: ?
: (When they will be released?...where did you read this information?...)
: Thanks in advance.
: ----------
: > De : Zenon Lynx <Zenon@BBS.NEXES.COM>
: > A :
: > Objet : Re: TI-92
: > Date : dimanche 3 novembre 1996 14:37
: >
: > Yeah, well, you don't have to worry about the memory problem anymore!
: > There's a RAM extender being created by Mel Tsai and it's going to give
: you
: > anywhere from 512KB to 4MBs extra for your calc! HAHA! It's for the
: > TI-83, the TI-85 and the TI-92! Sorry, no TI-81s or 82s, and
: > not for HPs or CASIOS!! Haha! And it's only going to cost like $60
: > for 1MB, probably only up to $100 for 4MBs or something! NO FAKE NON
: TIs!!
: >
: > "This is the most logical route, Captain"
: > -= =-
: >