Re: Space Taxi


Re: Space Taxi

I remember that game!  That was one of my favorite Commodore 64 games!
For those of you unfortunate enough not to have played it, it was kinda
like those lunar lander games where you control the thrust of the
spacecraft, but in this one, you had to land on platforms to pick up
passengers, and then take off and land on the platform the passenger
wants you to land on.  I'm not sure if the TI-85 is powerful enough for
it or not, though :-(

That reminds me, why haven't I seen any lunar lander style games for
Zshell.  Looks like the calc would be powerful enough for at least a
simple one.

Wesley McGrew

On Sun, 3 Nov 1996 09:49:46 -0500 Jeffrey Guerra <>
>I was wondering if anyone made the classic game, space taxi that was
>the Ti-85
>Jeffrey Guerra
>"Beauty may only be skin deep, but ugly is to the bone."
