Re: Special key on ti-92


Re: Special key on ti-92

Dear Martin,

 I do not know what that icon was for.  I have some guesses but no facts.
I got a promotional brochure, fall of 95, cut the size of a TI-92.  It
also had the cameara icon over the p key.

  In summer of 1995 I went to a workshop and we played with TI-92.  The
one I had was stamped prototype on the back.  I did not know then how to
read a ROM version.  That TI-92 did not have the camera icon and it didn't
have some of the other yellow printing.  I can't remember exactly what
else was missing.

stay connected,

On Sat, 2 Nov 1996, Martin LORANG wrote:

> On the cover page of my ti-92 manual there is a picture of the calc.
> Above the P key there is a camera icon. On my calc there is no such icon.
> What is that?
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