Re: TI Graph Link Errors


Re: TI Graph Link Errors

At 12:37 AM 7/31/96 -0700, you wrote:
>that run in them to simultaneously share IRQs.  OS/2 and LINUX allow
>sharing of IRQs, and the programs that run on them can both use the same
>IRQ.  They leave the scheduling up to the processor.  Windoze (either
>flavor) just does an "Oh crap" when confronted with shared IRQs, and
>solves the problem by shutting off one or the other

>O.k., Dipweed:
>>Before you flame me for no reason whatsoever, you
>>should get your facts straight.  IRQs are HARDWARE related; they have
>>nothing to do with your operating system.
>Get your facts straight, for the second time;  IRQ HANDLING, the way the
>software in an OS works with the IRQ, which is different from the
>physical IRQ itself, is ENTIRELY OS DEPENDENT.

Wrong.  Let me quote something from the Linux FAQ.

Question 7.7. Can I have more than 3 serial ports by
sharing interrupts ?

Yes, but you won't be able to use simultaneously two ordinary ports which
share an interrupt
(without some trickery). This is a limitation of the ISA bus architecture.

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