Re: TI Graph Link Errors


Re: TI Graph Link Errors

Rodger D. Miller wrote:
> I am currently running a Cyrix p-120+ system with 16 MB of ram.  I own a
> TI-92 and a TI-95, and recently purchased a TI-Graph Link.  When I run the
> software for the TI-92 under Windows 95, the mouse freezes on the screen,
> but works fine when I exit the program.  Also, I get "Communication
> timeout" and "Transmission Error" messages in both the TI-92 and the TI-85
> software when I try to send or receive to the appropriate calculator.  I am
> using my only free com port, which is com port 3. Anyone have any ideas
> why?

Com 1 and Com 3 under Windows 3.1X (I assume thats what you are using)
share the same IRQ, which means for all practical purposes that you can't
have both running at the same time. I ended up putting my mouse on com 1,
my calc cable on com 2, my modem on com 3 with a different IRQ than com1,
etc.  Its a hassle, but there should be enough IRQs to go around.

Good luck,
Mark Wilson

"You see me now a veteran
of a thousand psychic wars..."
