Graph Link problem on Mac SE


Graph Link problem on Mac SE

I'm having a problem using Graph Link on a Mac SE to download files from a
TI-82.  The Get LCD command works fine from the Receive menu on the Mac.
However, when I attempt to Transmit a program from the TI-82 to the Mac, it
works about one time in ten trys. I have tried a different Graph Link
hardware unit, different TI-82 calculators, wiggled the Graph Link connector
in the Mac modem socket, and erasing the Mac hard drive and reinstalling
just the system software and Graph Link.  Still the same result.  The Mac is
a Mac SE (not SE/30) with 4 MB Ram and a 20 MB hard drive.  I am trying to
set it up for my students to use for downloading and for storing programs in
class, but students will get fed up real quick if the data transfer is not
reliable.  I would appreciate any help anyone can give me on this; TI has been
no help at all - I have called their customer support twice and have received
no reply at all.

Alan Haught