Re: is fargo a scam


Re: is fargo a scam

BINET Guillaume wrote:

>         They JUST have to write down 3 lines on this newsgroup ... Oh ! it's
> awful, it inhuman, the torture, they must stop drinking and eating for 3
> days for doing that ...


> How do you know that ???? Their program: a memory dumper !!!!
> Estimated time of development: 1 day.
> I've already done a similar program on a Sharp. Don't be ridiculous.

I think the rude tone of the above is uncalled for. The Fargo team consists
of reputable programmers working for FREE on a project to help the TI
community. This calls for thanks, not insults.

To clear a few things up, here's some Fargo news those of you not subscribed
to LZ might not have heard, taken from a July 11th post by Rob Taylor:


> I was just wondering if the makers of FARGO would release some
> programming information(besides an Instruction Set summary available from
> motorola for free) so programmers can start writing stuff. A beta version
> would also help speed things along. Since Fargo will be free, I don't see
> the harm in releasing a beta version of it to the public with the
> understaning that its beta software released for the benifit of the
> programmers. Thank you to all the developers of Fargo for your time and
> effort.

I've decided to come out of the closet: In case anyone hasn't
guessed yet, I'm the third developer of Fargo....

We don't want to release a beta just yet as there is a VERY
large section of teh specs not finalised yet.. Davel Ellsworth seem to
be on holiday at the moment so we're pretty much paralysed, but
as soon as he get's back we should be able to hack a developers
version together and allow developers to apply for a copy.... It could
take a while though...
Oh, and if you, the public, want us to finish it as fast a possible,
please don't send us lots of emails asking about fargo - it'll only
slow us down..

Rob Taylor MAIL -

- Paul
