Re: is fargo a scam


Re: is fargo a scam

BINET Guillaume ( wrote:
: > Well spoken. That's exactly how I feel. I have mailed them twice, the
: > time asking them to just tell me the format and address of the screen so I
: > could emulate the TI92 on my amiga and code something there while waiting

:       But you have the other specs of the TI ? ROM dump ? System protocols ?
: addressing space ?
: Without that, you can't emulate the TI ...

Romdump why? I dont need the ROM for pure 68000 hacking. System Protocols,
what do you mean?
Adressing space, well not really a problem. If you didnt know (and then
you should be ashamed) the amiga is 680x0-based.
The really important things to know is addressing of the screen (but everything
I've seen so far indicates that it's a standard 30x128 bytes bitplane) and
reading of the keyboard (which is a pretty small part of a game and an be
rewritten later)... So it's possible.

I still cant figure out why the Fargo huys are so quiet though. My guess is
that they are stuck somewhere in development and havent done anything for
a while and dont want to talk about it. This'll propably mean that fargo
will never be released...

