Re: is fargo a scam


Re: is fargo a scam

CAF wrote:
> I know if I was working on such a project and everyone started in with
> the name calling and finger pointing I'd be temped to never release it
> to the public.  All everyone wants is something fast and free.  Instead
> of using this new group for a complain forum, we need to use it to help
> one another with problems, and help improve on the technology we have
> access to.
> Craig Falknor

        OK, I agree ! We don't care about the project, we want to improve the
knowledge about assembler on the TI.
        The fargo creators are saying that they have the info to execute any
code on the Motorola, it's all what we need to START ... but they didn't
say nothing ... I think it is a joke too or they are afraid about much
better programmers who will perhaps shadow their today celebrity ...

                        The situation is RIDICULOUS !

please post your reactions to my mailbox too, i would be able to follow
the newsgroup for 2-3 weeks ...

