Re: DOS to TI-92 Link ???


Re: DOS to TI-92 Link ???

On Wed, 24 Jul 1996, barrym wrote:

> I disagree completely.  There are more dos users now than ever.
> Who cares that windows users are increasing 10 times faster.  If
> it was worth writing a program for us 5 years ago and there are
> more of us now than there were then, many more, then it's worth
> writing for us today.

Was it really necessary to tell all of the list this?

> They don't stop writing for dos because there isn't a market.
> They stop writing for dos because they found a bigger market and
> it's more glamerous.
> I own and use Windows because I have to in a few situations today.
> But I don't like it and I avoid those situations when I can.

I KNOW!!  I hate windows, but use it for the same reason.

> I'm pretty amazed and very disapointed that TI has chosen not to
> support dos users.  I feel ignored.

Ummm.  I happen to know that the utility link85xp was hacked from link85x,
which is a dos program for the TI link, and I'm sure there are 82 and 92
