Re: is fargo a scam
>doesnt it seem strange everytime they promise to release fargo the date is
>pushed back i think they dont have crap they just want attention they
>dont share info because they dont have any theyre all losers
This subject of "vaporware" amazes me. Actually, it's kind of funny: insert
the words "the Nintendo 64" for "fargo" in the above passage and reread.
Fits, doesn't it? I'd also like to point out the exemplary use of
punctuation (Bravo!!).
I would like to defend the people who are working on Fargo (even though I
don't know them personally). What is expected of these people seems
insane... people want Fargo NOW and they don't care about the consequences.
What would happen if I told you that you had to work on Fargo 24/7, just
because the rest of the world expects it of you? On top of that, you're not
going to be paid for your work. Still interested?
These people are working on Fargo out of the sheer love of hacking and
programming. But they are not GODS. They are human, and have other human
resposibilites and problems. They're life doesn't (and can't) totally
revolve around Fargo.
I used Nintendo earlier for a reason. In the videogame arena, there are
still many people who believe that the Nintendo 64 is just "vaporware".
However, based on Nintendo's past performance (and the fact that they have
a tendency to show up at the "party" late) and name recognition, if they
say it's real, it probably is.
Same goes for the programmers of Fargo. I went out last night and bought a
TI-85 just so I could see how well Z-Shell worked. $100 out of my own
pocket, in respect for the time it took the Z-Shell team and individual
programmers to make something special. The program (Z-Shell) works
flawlessly. Why now should we suddenly abandon the hope placed in these
people, and say that they're "losers" just because they aren't willing to
give out information before Fargo's release? They are the only ones
doggedly working on such a project (that I know of) at this time, so IMHO,
they deserve the right to be the first ones with programs for Fargo.
They've done what they said they were going to do with Z-Shell, now let's
give them some space and allow them to bring Fargo to fruition.
And if it's not fast enough for you, do it yourself.
Nathaniel Gibson