Re: ti92 programming?
BINET Guillaume wrote:
> > >Also, is accessing the 68000 still a well-kept secret until the
> > >release of Fargo ?
> Without any reason in fact ... Or just to become an hero ...
I'm not implying you are a whiner, but why can these mysterious "FARGO"
programmers work on the assembly stuff and you can't? What information
do they have that you don't, or can't get? From your previous posts, you
seem to have a background in assembly; why not start your own open,
effort? With all the other assembly programming experts you could
contact through this group, you might do better than the closed circle of
FARGO guys.
A litle competition will bring out the best product...
Just wondering.
BTW, your mail address bouned, so I had to post this to news.
Mark Wilson
"You see me now a veteran
of a thousand psychic wars..."