Re: Help me somebody, I'm dying just because I'm a newbe!!!!
Re: Help me somebody, I'm dying just because I'm a newbe!!!!
i have a ti-82, so i know TWO of those.
ascii is the human-readable code (for example, DispGraph or ZoomStat
or If or Then or Goto .....).
Z80 machine code (if i'm not mistaken) is the code compiled by the
calculator. this code is machine-readable only. all programs (as far
as i know, in all programming languages) use compiled machine code.
in short, we use the ascii code and the program uses the Z80 machine code.
(Z80 because of the manufacturer of the C.P.U., i think).
Bhuvanesh Bhatt.
On Sun, 22 Dec 1996, Reginald Milton wrote:
> December 20, 1996
> Hello calculator owners of the planet:
> Of course I'm a begginer because I don't know half as much as normal
> people do. That manual is worthless if your trying to program. Don't
> just give me the names of websites, that a leadoff and it's
> essentially worthless( have been to Many things I have
> come across, and the descriptions of them are for the intermediate.
> NOT FOR ME, A BEGGINER. I have a TI-85 if your wondering. Here is
> the list: (to little to least understood)
> ZShell?
> Z80 machine code??
> Assembly Language???
> ASCII????
> Have a nice day said the serial killer,
> Reggie
> P.S.
> HELPHELPHELPHELPHELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> !!!!!!!!!!