TI-92 and internal modem-ideas


TI-92 and internal modem-ideas

I have been looking for some software for my PC.  I have a internal modem
on com 3, and connected graphlink on com 2.  There has to be a way to
directly send the info from the graphlink port (com 2) to my internal
modem (com 3).  This would make it just like the external modem.  My IRQ's
are all set so I can use COM 1,2, and 3 all at once.  So if there is
software to send the routines that would come from COM 2 (the ti) straight
to the COM 3 (modem) we would have no problem.  FTerm would work just fine
with it if there was such software.  I am not a programmer so I don't know
how to write this kind of a program.  If someone can write one it would be
great.  Please email me.

If you have any ideas...REPLY!
