Re: Fast scrolling on a 92?
Re: Fast scrolling on a 92?
Joseph Canale <> wrote:
> I was wondering I anyone could help me. Is there anyway it increase the
> scroll rate in the text editor on a TI-92? My TI-85 blows it away as far
> as scrolling goes.
> Thanks,
> Joe Canale
I see 3 soutions :
1) Lazy solution :
At each page of the text file write one special symbol.
Then search (F5) the special symbol : that will scroll (in fact jump)
very fast (but you have to type F5+enter all the time)
Note that you can scroll only from top to down and when you are at the
end it's hell for going to the top of the text.
Execept if you put your text in a prgm file : when you are at the end
execute the prgm : the cursor will go to the top of the prgm (but then u
have to put a shift+x caracter at the beginning of each lines)
2) Make a text viewer in TI-basic
I have made one in the past (unfortunatly I don't find it anymore) and
belive me it's very efficient :
Put your text file in string (cut your text and past it in a 'input a')
And use the output function to view it.
Putting text in string file is an open to door to compression, creating
specials caraters, viewing formulas in pretty print form, diagrams, ...
3) Make a text viewer in assembly
Of course it's the best way (look at the text viewers of the HP48 it's
crazy !)
But I dont know anything about Fargo